Building Community in Allison Hill is not done in isolation. We work alongside local businesses, faith-based and social organizations, social service agencies, and residents from Allison Hill and the greater Harrisburg area. We gladly accept volunteers with helping hands, in-kind donations, and monetary sponsorships to provide these important resources to our Allison Hill neighbors.
Gather The Spirit Launches
Began operation at the Shared Ministry on Market Street and later formed a close partnership with the Unitarian Church of Harrisburg until a temporary closure during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020
January 2023
Post-pandemic Re-opening
Gather the Spirit restores its services at Christ Lutheran Church and sees growing attendance numbers
October 2024 to present
Gather the Spirit moves to First Church of the Brethren, which offers expanded space with a large fellowship hall and professional kitchen
Rapid is the best way to describe our growth and energy.
Gather the Spirit For Justice’s Saturday morning Common Ground Coffee from 9 am-11 am brings in an average of 27 volunteers to prepare and serve approximately 97 meals to an average of 153 guests, many of whom participate in our English as a Second Language classes. Our services help our neighbors enjoy a warm meal, receive essential toiletry items, navigate language barriers, and obtain vital documents.